Egyptian StatuaryEgyptian Statuary
$850.00 $1,039.99 Egyptian Male Plant Pot Holder Life Size StatueDimensions: L. 30.35 in. W. 23.75 in. H. 73 in. Weight: 55 lbs. Different words describing our product: Egypt, Egyptian, Egyptian Plant Holder,... $1,399.99 $1,429.99 Egyptian Sphinx SculptureReplica of an Egyptian Sphinx (the head of a human and the body of a lion) Fiberglass Mythology Sphinx Statue Indoor Sculpture W. 76 in. D. 28 in. H.... $899.99 $909.99 $499.99 $454.99 Kneeling Tutankhemun with TrayResin Replica Figurine of Egyptian Tutankhamen holding the tray Made Of Fiberglass L. 22.25 W. 17.25 in. H. 36.5 in. Weight: 32 lbs. $299.99 $259.99 Pharaohs HoundResin Replica of King Tut's Egyptian Pharaohs Hound Jackal Statue! (Weight, lbs): 13 (LxWxH, in): 33.50 x 10.50 x 20.50 $249.99 $240.50 $999.99 $991.90 Anubis 6ft. with Base/Variety of headsAnubis 6ft. with Base S/G / Fiberglass Weight: 70 lbs L. 26.5 in. W. 26.5 in. H. 94 in. $4,999.99 $5,199.99 Egyptian Guard Standing ( Bronze or Sandstone Finish )Egyptian Guard Standing ( Bronze Finish ) Also in Sandstone finish Model #HL (same price) Ht.142 in W.38 in L.30 in Different word describing our... $299.99 $259.99 $7,499.99 Egyptian Sitting on Throne (Realistic Fin. or Bronze Fin.)Egyptian Sitting on Throne ( Realistic Finish or Bronze Finish ) Ht.126 in W.48 in L.80 in Different word describing our product: life size Statue... $599.99 $584.99 $899.99 $668.85 Fiberglass Egyptian Female Plant HolderFiberglass Egyptian Female Plant Holder L x 26 in. W x 23 in. H x 73 in. Monthly Specials For February |